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Masai School

Founded in 2019 by Prateek Shukla, Yogesh Bhat and Nrupul Dev, Masai School is India’s only outcome-based career institute, revolutionizing India’s education system. As India’s fastest-growing career institute, Masai has one goal: unlocking the human potential of India by making our education system outcome-driven. The company is on a mission to make tech careers accessible to everyone, no matter their financial or educational backgrounds. With over 6,000 students enrolled and over 4,000 hiring partners, Masai has met a 91% placement rate for post-accreditation students.

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Region India
Sector Edtech

CEO & Managing Partner


CEO & Managing Partner


CEO & Managing Partner


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Unitus Ventures is now Capria India

Unitus Ventures, a leading venture capital firm in India, is joining forces with its US affiliate Capria Ventures, a Global South specialist, to operate with a unified global strategy under a single brand, Capria Ventures.